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The Goalster Advantage for Coaches & Consultants

Goalster is the first platform that empowers you to transform your coaching practice, deliver continuous value to clients, and unlock recurring revenue streams.

Goalster promise

Challenges with the Current Coaching Model

Most coaches operate on the "workshop" revenue model, with sporadic and inconsistent revenue planning based on individual workshops or client engagements.


This creates prolonged revenue gaps, requiring extensive sales and marketing efforts to book more engagements.

Graphic representing the challenges of the current coaching model

Limited Impact & Lost Revenue

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Short-Term Impact

Traditional workshops often deliver short-lived results due to a lack of ongoing reinforcement and accountability.

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Missed Opportunity

Coaches miss out on ongoing engagement, cross-channel referrals, and  potential revenue streams after the workshop ends.

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Client Dissatisfaction

Companies invest heavily in workshops, only to see limited long-term ROI on their leadership development or change initiatives.

The Goalster Solution

Fuel client confidence with real-time progress tracking, data-driven insights, and seamless team collaboration. 

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Goalster platform overview graphic

Your Programs

There's no need to develop new content.


Our client success team works with you to build your content into your new achievement platform.

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New Client Engagement

Transform client engagements into launchpads for continuous learning. Goalster extends the impact with on-demand content and personalized support.

Accountability Drives Success

The app and your dashboard enable real-time progress tracking, fostering accountability and ensuring clients stay on track long after the workshop ends.

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Goalster platform overview graphic

Data-Driven Adjustments

Empower yourself with insights from the app and back-end to proactively address challenges, optimize strategies, and maximize client results.

Secure & Collaborative

Facilitate ongoing discussions and knowledge sharing in a secure environment tailored for the most important initiatives in any team.

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What Our Clients Say

"Goalster is a massive value add to ensure organizational alignment and operational effectiveness."

Ken Dixon

Fmr. Group President Verizon

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Build a Recurring Revenue Coaching Business

We couldn’t build more hours into the day, so we built a way to get more out of it. 


Until now, it’s been almost impossible for coaches and consultants to build a scalable business that doesn’t require trading time for money.







Power Your Coaching Success

Powerful Platform

Seamless Mobile App

Transformative Insights

Intuitive Program Scheduling

Seamlessly manage complex schedules and content delivery across multiple clients and locations, both on the robust admin dashboard.

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Customizable Content Delivery

Deploy videos, assessments, or interactive modules directly to clients' mobile devices for on-the-go learning.

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Get Ready to Transform Your Coaching Business with Your New Client Achievement Platform.

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